Triathlon Group’s Industrial Report 2024/25

Triathlon Group's industrial report (Verkstadsrapporten) highlights a challenging year for Swedish manufacturing companies, with expected decline in top-line growth, order intake, and workforce. For 2025, the companies show a cautious optimism for market recovery
Optimism persists despite growth decline
Swedish manufacturing companies expect a continued decline in top-line growth during this year. The survey reveals a cautiously optimistic outlook for increased order intake and revenue growth in the upcoming year based on anticipated increase in demand during 2025.
Shrinking margins due to increased input costs
While most companies anticipate stable margins, one-third of Swedish manufacturing companies expect their operating margins to decrease. This forecast stems from rising commodity prices and falling demand, which reduces their ability to maintain pricing power with customers.
Workforce layoffs in a weak market
To adapt to lower demand and challenging market conditions, 1 out of 2 Swedish manufacturing companies are planning workforce reductions in 2024. The cutbacks are anticipated to be temporary, with only 10% of companies expecting reductions in 2025.
Triathlon´s Industry Index: Clear shift form previous years
Triathlon’s Manufacturing Index shows that Swedish industrial companies predict a notably negative outlook for this year, a clear shift from the past two years. However, for 2025, companies are cautiously optimistic, driven by expected revenue growth.
"The green transition needs to be realized“
The manufacturing companies are adapting to significant changes, mainly driven by increasing sustainability demands. The shift towards greener practices is anticipated to intensify further in upcoming years as it is a critical target for many of their customers.
About Triathlon Group’s Industrial Report
In the Industrial Report, a survey is conducted with the 100 largest manufacturing companies, forecasting the development of Sweden’s manufacturing. The report focuses on future expectations regarding revenue, operating margins, and workforce, compiled into the Triathlon’s Manufacturing Index.